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Orbit Surgeon

Orbit Surgery

Orbit surgery encompasses surgery in and around the eye socket. Dr. Vrcek has extensive experience and training in treating a variety of orbit conditions to include: thyroid eye disease, orbital tumors, orbital trauma, orbital cysts, and benign orbital lesions.

Surgery for bulgy eyes

This patient underwent customized, minimally invasive orbit decompression and eyelid retraction repair for Graves' Disease. This surgery is typically covered by health insurance.

best orbit decompression surgeon
Graves' Disease

The above patient is just 1 week out from customized minimally invasive orbit decompression and eyelid retraction repair for Graves' Disease.

Best Orbit Decompression
Surgery For Bulgy Eyes

This young lady had her face altered by Graves' disease at a young age. She is thrilled with the results following customized minimally invasive orbit decompression surgery. These maneuvers are typically covered by insurance.

Bulgy Eye Surgery Dallas
Graves' Disease
Orbit Decompression
Best Orbit Decompression
Orbit tumor


Orbit Tumor


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